Sunday, April 14, 2013

"Windows Explorer has stopped working" every time my computer sijakhalneun someone could help? ® "Windows Explorer has stopped working" every time my computer sijakhalneun someone could help?

Real question written by Koondogg: Everytime i start up my computer it says “Windows Explorer has stopped working” can someone help?

I turned off my computer one day and when i turned it back on the next it said “windows explorer has stopped working” i went online to check it out and i have not seen any working answers. i heard Regcure could fix it so i bought it and it didnt do anything. I was wondering if anyone out there could help me. any help would be greatly appreciated!

This may be focused on Everytime i start up my computer it says “Windows Explorer has stopped working” can someone help? that you may might want to solve complications independantly. With a little luck this will aid in lots of ways: and help the way you live greater. Who want focused on Everytime i start up my computer it says “Windows Explorer has stopped working” can someone help? happens to be a resolution for a long time.
Optimum solution:

Answer by mylovekate03
u need new computer hard drive is gone

Answer by Brett C
Regcure is a virus. But if you are getting this error try running a virus scan anyway because sounds like you’ve caught something.

Answer by amxla
It can be a prank program or some worm. If windows explorer really stopped working, you wont see any icons on your desktop, nor the Start Menu.

Answer by Not Of This World – N.O.T.W -
if you’re using Vista most likely you will have this problem over n over

Answer by Paradox
What you’ll need to do is install an anti-virus and anti-malware.

Get the following:



Install those two, update them, and set them to full run. Avast has a slew of awesome scanners at its disposal (Most of them are active-shields), and the best part is they’re both free.

If your computer can start up all the way, install and run them both… it should take care of the problem entirely.

Most of the time things claiming to help that pop up seemingly at the best possible (When things mess up) are 100% of the time trojans // worms // spammers. When you download them and install them they will claim to find an astronomical amount of viruses and tell you to buy the product claiming that it works. If you do, you should probably change your credit-card number because it’s more likely a phisher (A phisher is someone who steals credit card information then goes on a spending spree, or he’ll sell the credit card information to someone who then spends like crazy). So install the anti-virus, and run it… and if you seriously install and paid for one of the fake “You have 50 virus” ad’s, I would honestly change your credit card number.

Hopefully this answers your question!


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"Windows Explorer has stopped working" every time my computer sijakhalneun someone could help?

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