Friday, March 29, 2013

What is the name of the gun I wish half of the virus? Big techie person really help?

Subject basically by yanyan: What are the names of these anti-viruses I’m asking? Not really a big techie person, I really need help!!!?

1)It’s a software used by some internet cafe owners. This anti-virus “freezes’ the virus. It’s more like a maintenanance check for the pc since a lot of people uses the pc during day;

2) It’s a anti-virus for flash drives, so virus can’t penetrate the it incase the pc or laptop

doesn’t have one and lastly,

3)what the hell is fu virus?

Thanks to anyone who can help!

However this is focused on What are the names of these anti-viruses I’m asking? Not really a big techie person, I really need help!!!? which you may choose to resolve complications only on their. Optimistically this can help in many ways; and help everything much better. Desiring focused on What are the names of these anti-viruses I’m asking? Not really a big techie person, I really need help!!!? happens to be the very best to come back.

Optimum solution:

Answer by Tired Trucker

A lot of places that have public computers accessed by a lot of people use Windows Steadystate It’s free.

It’s not exactly an anti-virus, but what it does is take a snapshot, or “freezes” the system at a certain point, for instance, just after a fresh install. You can download as much malware and viruses you want, it doesn’t matter, because once you shut the computer off, it will reboot back into it’s saved, pristine condition that you saved. On the down side, any programs intentionally installed will be gone. You can disable it temporarily to install software, then save it again to a new image so the new software will come back.

I used this program on my mother in law’s computer, she has Alzheimer’s. When she was healthy, she was pretty computer literate, now she knows enough to screw things up, because she can’t remember what she did to “fix” something. Now her computer works every time it turns on, because any damage she does is not permanent.

Answer by hih i

1) Examples of this can be Trend Micro Client Server/Suite

Used by small businesses and corporations to monitor and maintain a wide range of computers effectively.

2) U3 (U3 smart drives)


3) The FU Virus has many variants. One typical form can be found here

Answer by Ed G

It’s using a virtual machine, it’s really the only way to surf the web. I use a virtual browser, if anything does get past my anti-virus program doesn’t really matter. When I close my browser everything that I did or any infection is deleted. There is also a very good free program than runs your OS in a virtual environment. It just so easy to keep your computer malware free using this type of protection.

Answer by hero no .1

Only single antivirus cannot help u out in tough situations ,

You need a combination of softwares to help protect ur PC .

Here is the combination that I use

Avast antivirus > Malwarebytes > Super Antispyware > Comodo Firewall .

u can use AVG or Avira FREE in place of Avast , thats ur choice

As Far as avast is concerned , u need to register for free , give them ur email address and they will send u a free licence key for avast (i.e. for 1 year ) and u are entitled to use the software for 1 year !

U can get the above on following addresses –

Avast –


Avira –

Malwarebytes –

SuperAntispyware –

Comodo Firewall –

These apps work in combo to protect ur PC , and provide rock solid protection against viruses ,and all are free !

Good Luck

Acknowledge a lot better?

Add your own personal answer in the comments!


Shot by AVG_6744

Learn more about AVG and download a FREE anti virus at

What is the name of the gun I wish half of the virus? Big techie person really help?

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