Subject courtesy of lioncatdemon: Name of a theme song from Anime or Game?
‘kay this will be terribly vague so I’ll do my best to describe it. I heard this song and I don’t know who done it or what it is called. It’s from an anime or possibly game I know that for sure. It’s sung by a female singer and has a symphonic melody in the background and is in entirely in english. I caught the word “reflection” some where in the lyrics but that’s all i got. Someone suggested the title was called “virus” but I have searched and I haven’t found anything. Can anyone help me?
This is definitely pertaining to Name of a theme song from Anime or Game? which you might need to solve troubles themselves. Ideally this assists in many ways, in order to make everything significantly better. Desiring pertaining to Name of a theme song from Anime or Game? will probably be a remedy tomorrow.
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Answer by Anonymous
There’s not enough information. Where did you hear it?
Answer by Another Garcia
LOL dude are you serious? I’ll take a shot. There are several Ghost in the Shell movies and tv/episode animes (three different ones I think). The franchise also has a couple of video games (well at least one – for the PS2). Anyway, lead songs are always sung by a woman and I’ve heard a few english words in there. It is a popular title and chances are you may have run into it and vaguely remembered something. The lead character is this bad ass looking brunette. Uhm she’s a robot. Well soul trapped in a robot. Anyway I’m sure the word “reflection” has been used at least once. Ghost in the Shell. Good luck.
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Photograph as a result of Virus
The joys of dealing with a virus on the in-law’s PC. A certain *other* finger seemed far more appropriate for this shot.
May 25 – PhotoChallenge: Thumb
The name of the theme song from the anime or game?
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