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Main issue basically by AJ’s Mom: How did the big bang put the universe into systemic order?
If millions of years of storms in junk yards could never create a computer or a beautiful machine of any kind, then what logic says that chaos can create life and bring it to an excellent, complex status — well beyond a crystalline virus “or simplistic germ of life.”
How could an explosion in a puddle cause “genetic programming of uniqueness” and instincts, immune system, healing of injuries, digestion…
How could chaos create precision, perfect sight, hearing, unfathomable depths of nerves and multiple intelligences plus gender, various amazing species (lightening bugs, electric eels, blind bats with sonar, worms and starfish that can regrow body parts…),
This really is just about How did the big bang put the universe into systemic order? which you may will have to clear up troubles his or her self. Perhaps it will help in lots of ways; and also make your own life considerably better. Desiring just about How did the big bang put the universe into systemic order? will be a response within the foreseeable future.
Best answer:
Answer by Maurog II
Well, it created the 4 cosmic forces – Gravity, Electromagnetism, Strong and Weak Nuclear Force. Without them, it would be complete and utter chaos. With them, however, the universe tends to arrange itself in balls. And on at least one lucky (?) planet, in self replicating patterns.
Answer by Karl P
God’s Divine Design!
Answer by heroic dose
anything is as plausible as what you propose.
why did your designer make it possible for starfish to regrow limbs but not humans?
Answer by dragontribal3
Answer by Dendronbat Crocoduck
There is a considerable literature on how natural chemical reactions created biological precursors which led to an RNA phenotypic world. Read and learn. Evolution works by mathematically predictable selective processes. People have publsihed detailed accounts of how “lightening bugs, electric eels, blind bats with sonar, worms and starfish” have evolved. Read these detailed accounts and learn.
Answer by HOMERCHU
its called physics lady
Answer by OneLostSoul
Things in junkyards aren’t living things are they?
Answer by The Tao of Atheism.
Claim CE441:
The universe was supposedly formed in the big bang, but explosions do not produce order or information.
Big-Bang-Theory, 2002. http://www.big-bang-theory.com
1. The total entropy of the universe at the start of the big bang was minimal, perhaps almost zero. Because it was so compact, it had considerably more order than the universe we are in now. The complexity we observe around us today can be produced from the ultimate order of the hot but cooling gas of the big bang.
2. The big bang was not an explosion. It was an expansion. Besides the fact that it got bigger over time, the big bang has almost nothing in common with an explosion.
3. Explosions do produce some order amidst their other effects:
* Large surface explosions, such as nuclear bombs, produce the familiar mushroom clouds. There are not very highly ordered, but they are not purely random, either.
* Supernovae produce heavy elements, and the shock waves from them compress interstellar gases, which begins the formation of new stars.
* Powerful explosions can compress carbon into diamond crystals, the most ordered arrangement.
* Explosions of atomized gasoline produce compressed gas, which is harnessed in internal combustion engines to power automobiles and other equipment.
Answer by The Wag
What order?
Your entire argument is fallacious, I don’t even know where to begin.
So we have:
False analogy
Argument from personal incredulity/ignorance
Take a science lesson perhaps?
Answer by breyet_leyet
I wonder how any evolution could create different flavored fruits.
It amazes me how different foods taste different.
Answer by Footy
“an explosion in a puddle ”
If you don’t even understand the concept, why bother trying to fight against the science? Edcuate yourself, otherwise you just look foolish by maing such statements.
Answer by Gazoo
Err…the Universe isn’t in any order. Don’t get out much, do ya?
Answer by Soul Brother Steve
This world is perfect as it is. Trees turn harmful gases into breathable element, water to drink, food to eat etc. It was all by intelligent design. Not by some primordial mishaps are we here, or even alive, we are here for a purpose. Seek out yours by coming to the Lord
Answer by roadside confessions
Some Christians are vehemently opposed to the “Big Bang Theory.” They view it as an attempt to explain the origin of the universe apart from God. Others ascribe to the Big Bang Theory, with the view that it was God Himself who caused the Big Bang. God, in His infinite wisdom and power, could have chosen to use a Big Bang method to create the universe, but He did not. The reason that can be absolutely stated is that the Bible argues against such a method. Here are some of the contradictions between the Bible and the Big Bang theory:
In Genesis 1, God created the earth before the sun and stars. The Big Bang theory requires it to be the other way around. In Genesis 1, God creates the earth, sun, moon, stars, plant life, animal life, and mankind in a span of six 24-hour days. The Big Bang theory requires billions of years. In Genesis 1, God created all matter by His spoken word. The Big Bang theory begins with matter already in existence and never explains the initial source or cause of matter.
In Genesis 1, God breathed life into the body of the perfectly created Adam. The Big Bang theory requires billions of years, and billions of chance circumstances, to get around to the first human, and it never can explain how the first microscopic life form happened to “evolve” from a non-living atom. In the Bible, God is eternal and the matter and the universe are not. There are different versions of the Big Bang theory, but in most of them the universe and/or matter is eternal. In Genesis 1, the existence of God is assumed, “In the beginning God…” The true purpose of the Big Bang theory is to deny His existence.
Answer by Pangloss- Ancora Imparo
Computers are non-living objects, dear.
Perhaps you should review basic biology concepts before trying to wrap your brain around physics.
Read The Big Bang by Simon Singh.
Also, if you believe God created all these things, would you care to explain why he gave starfish the ability to regenerate limbs and not humans?
Answer by emfederin
Amazing questions, aren’t they?
These are the sort of things that give life meaning!
Wouldn’t life SUCK if anyone had all the answers?
Answer by Half God Half Ape
I don’t see systemic order. I see chaos and disorder, with tiny pockets of order.
It’s much more chaotic now than it was when everything was completely still.
Answer by novangelis
Chaos can result in order. The eye of a hurricane is order in chaos. Explosions can create things. Ultrasonic chemistry relies on explosions to create new compounds.
The junkyard analogy is dishonest, since there is no selection process. If two parts come together, there is fothing that favors parts staying together.
Answer by Rev. Iason Ouabache
Perfect sight? Humans have a blind spot in the middle of our eyes thanks to where our optic nerve is located. And we can only see a very limited range of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Answer by chas_chas_123
The Big Bang is unable to explain the existence of order and complexity.
Fred Hoyle realised this when he coined the term Big Bang – as a term or derision. It defies common sense (and science) to suppose that an ‘explosion’ could create order.
Answer by Andromache
Evolution is not random chaos, natural selection is the opposite of random.
Answer by Darth Dirt
It didn’t. It put the Earth in orbit of a star that is eventually going to expand and destroy the Earth. It also put the Earth in the path of several comets that have smashed into the Earth throughout its history. AND there are still comets on the way. That is not systematic order. That is a big, giant mess.
Also, the orbit of the planets isn’t perfect: 365.256 363 051 days (365 d 6 h 9 min 9.7676 s). How unsystematic is that? We’ve had a make up a leap year to get our own calender right. And even then we have to add a few extra minutes every now and again.
Yeah, there is nothing systematic about the universe. Except wishful thinking.
Answer by awasis
It’s called the quantum field and has to do with infinity and probability, not to mention infinite universes. You need to advance 2000 years in your awareness of what we know now and stop spouting terms like “chaos” that you do not understand what you are even talking about.
Answer by asuku t
We all just guess when it comes to creations.
Neither the bible or other holy books writers nor the non believers can testify as to how we are created.
So, be smart to use your own brain too think instead of allowing other mind controllers(religion merchants/peddlers) to do that for you.
Whpoever created us sorely gave us the brain to think.
Answer by Jim
The Bang just supplied the energy of Motion. Gravity provided the order. And the Divine Intelligence, inhabiting all matter, energy, space and time, grew living things to express itself.
Answer by starpenta
Actually, the Big Bang is a theory about the origins. The actual process in which ORGANIC (ie-not computer bits or beautiful robot parts) evolved into the current system we have now.
If we’re so perfect, why do our bodies age? Why do we die? If there’s an intelligent designer, why didn’t he design the earth to hold whatever population we have? Why didn’t he design us with all the same mental capacity? Why don’t we have wings? Why do mistakes we make somehow justify the Black Plague or the Holocaust? Or birth defects? Why do ‘we’ have to pay for the sins of our ‘fathers’? Why does nature go against the idea of a single male creating life?
Just b/c a junkyard of inanimate pieces of metal can’t form itself into anything (seeing as how IT’S NOT ORGANIC), that hardly answers any other questions as to why that particular mythical character is real.
Answer by Rick G
If the big bang occurred, then it was under the control of God. The 4 forces that came into effect was not by chance, but in the right sequence, again set by God.
Chaos has no creative power, doesn’t make rational decisions, and doesn’t care about the outcome.
So, I prefer to use the term “Massive outflow of power” in describing the activity that God used to create the physical universe.
Answer by dro611
well my sigh is far from perfect, and we all have a blind spot.
you should watch this, its a little about evolution, and how natural selection works.
And about the chaos thing, il be really simple, you know how clouds form familiar things sometimes, it like that.
Answer by Josiah
It’s not like this all happened all at once.
You have to realize how long time really is. It’s taken literally forever to get to the point at which we are today. The stars and planets did not just automatically spring into orbit; rather, it has taken a forever of collisions to arrive at the current astronomical state. Occasionally astronomers will observe the collision of galaxies. The universe is still being settled. It will probably never stop. In this way, millions of years of storms in a junk yard have, indeed, created a beautiful machine.
An explosion in a puddle did not create genetic programming and uniqueness. It did not create instincts and immune systems. What it did create, I believe (yes, I said believe), is a chemical reaction, resulting in amino acids. This has been replicated in a laboratory. (see Miller-Urey Experiment)
From there, it’s just natural selection by way of random mutation. This too has been demonstrated in laboratory tests and real-life situations.
Answer by been good
To God, TIME is relative; what we consider millions of years to God only took a second. Why? Because He is God, and He spoke everything into existence. The very nature of God requires that He be able to do anything, anywhere, any time, and however He wants to, and it will all be the right thing to do. If God chose to use the “Big Bang” theory, then so be it. As long as the sequence coincides with the Genesis account in the Bible and includes the acknowledgement that God did it, I will accept it. In investigating the details, however, I don’t find this to be consistent with scripture, so I’ll pass on the Big Bang theory. That doesn’t mean anyone else cannot accept it, but it also doesn’t make it true.
I agree, no matter how long you leave junk in a junk yard, that junk will never come together and form a computer, even with all the forces of nature available to it. It will only decompose, just like we will over time.
You people sure know how to deviate from a good question, so here’s my two cents on all these side comments:
Man had the opportunity for earthly immortality and perfection, but because he/she chose to be selfish in the Garden of Eden, all of that was taken away, and granted only to those who choose to follow the Lord. Bodies of believers may be on Earth for a split second in comparison, but our souls will spend the rest of Eternity with Him.
Since we cannot have the mind of God, we are not to second-guess His wisdom, only trust that He has a handle on the world, and can be in control of our lives if we let Him, and everything will turn out just fine. Chaos only occurs when man refuses to acknowledge our diversities and gets violent because we are not all the same, and doing things in HIS way apart from God.
One reason why things are not perfect for believers is that they are living in an unbelieving world that makes unwise choices for them even if they are totally trusting in God. But surprise! God knew it would happen, and is also working through THEM to make things right in the world. When all the dust settles and the end of the world as we know it happens, you can BET that all will be perfect, because HE will be ruling the world. This world did not begin in chaos, and will not end in chaos. So if there is “chaos in the world” now, it’s not God’s fault. Check the hearts and minds of our world leaders. Then look into your local government. How about your neighbors and people with influence? But what it all comes down to, is check your OWN heart, as that’s the only place where you can make a real difference in this world….
Edit: That starfish question is interesting, but I’m sure that you understand that every living thing has been given some uniqueness to the others, and this was assigned to the starfish, along with a few other land and sea creatures. Would you want every living thing to regrow body parts?
Understand or know good?
Add your trusty answer inside of the comments!
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