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Main issue caused by sandagal: What is “tobacco mosaic virus” said to be transmitted to plants by smokers?
“Belle” asnwered a question about tomato plants and mentioned this virus transmitted by smokers who touch plants before washing hands. Just WHAT is this and can it be transmitted to other plants, as well? Very interested to know!
I’m a smoker..AND a gardener!
This is certainly with regards to What is “tobacco mosaic virus” said to be transmitted to plants by smokers? that you could aspire to resolve concerns individually. Thought to be able this will assist in many ways; and start making yourself greater. With the expectation with regards to What is “tobacco mosaic virus” said to be transmitted to plants by smokers? might possibly be a treatment later on in life.
Answer by simsta
Tobacco mosaic is a virus of tobacco plants that makes the leaves look like mosaic. I kind of doubt the virus would survive the processing of raw tobacco to cigarettes, so I don’t think you could pass it on to your plants. Also it’s not something a human can catch, btw.
Answer by Tarlyng
As an avid gardener and a smoker as well in the 10+ years that I have been handling plants(house & garden); I have never ran into this problem. In fact one of the old farmer’s trick to get rid of all of the insects in the garden was to use tobacco leaves that were soaked in water and then sprayed on the plants. If you are losing sleep over this, then try not to smoke around your plants and wash your hands before touching or handling them.
Answer by bairdt50
When I first read your question, I thought to myself there was no way tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) could be transmitted from gardeners who smoked. I did a little research, and it sounds like I was wrong.
TMV can be transmitted to your plants from contaminated cigarettes, cigars, and pipe tobacco. It looks like the best thing to do is to not smoke WHILE you are gardening, and to wash your hands good before doing so.
See attached link under “Disease Cycle” for more information.
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