Query caused by r_govardhanam: Do you really believe that there is a creator and controller?
If everything requires a creator then “creator” also cannot come from nowhere and it also requires a creator as per this theory. So is it not “logical” to believe that this universe/s were there ever and it keeps evolving. If at all there is higher beings evolved with more sensory powers than human beings as a part of this evolution, those beings can be called gods?If those beings got some power to influence this nature with its subtle nature, like “bacteria/virus” does things which is not visible to us, requires worship to have their support for our progress? Single creator theory is stuck in the above question and “multiple cause” or “unknown cause” theory seems to be more logical. I would like to hear the logics for and against this….
Truly is tips on Do you really believe that there is a creator and controller? that you could be would need to fix issues his or her self. With luck , it will help in lots of ways; and to make your life far better. Wishing tips on Do you really believe that there is a creator and controller? may perhaps be a fix sometime soon.
Most practical answer:
Answer by smokey_crim
I only believe when i’m looking for someone to blame…..
Answer by question001
Read the bible. Hope thiis helps and have a great day! -question001
Answer by chin
NO . there is No super natural being in outer space controlling any thing . please , just think , how can there be a Creator out there.
Answer by bach
Yes. I believe that there is a creator who controls the world or universe. For the simple reason, with all this scientific advancement, we are not able to control the earth quakes floods, natural catastrophes. If we are really independent, then everything should happen in the way we want it to happen. But in our daily life, we observe that even simple desires or our planning will not go according to our way of thinking. This definitely suggests that there is something beyond us which controls this universe who is no one but the creator.
Answer by sokrates
Your first mistake is thinking that “everything” needs a creator. Monotheist generally do not believe that “everything” needs a creator. After all, God doesn’t need a creator. God holds the reason for his existence within himself.
As for the universe, it seems almost certain that it did have a beginning. And since blind forces do not create things, the cause of the universe is most likely personal. You are correct in one sense. All things in the universe do require a maker. When was the last time that you saw a house pop into existence without an efficient cause bringing it about that the house exists?
Answer by felo_k
Someone asked this question to a wise Mouslem scientist a long time ago and his answer was, “what comes before the mathimatical number 3? the man answered two, then what comes before2? the man answered 1, then he asked what comes before 1? the man replied nothing, so the wise mouslem said you believe that the mathimatical number “1″ doesn’t have something before so how can’t you believe that God can exist with nothing before. Believe me nothing exists without creation, and it doesn’t mean that you can explain everything that it doesn’t exist, like the soul, although you can’t see it or touch it, yet it still exist.
Answer by katerina
ok, honestly l was bored to read the rest of the question so l ll answer to this one -> Do you really believe that there is a creator and controller?
l believe that the “creator” is our parents and the “controller” is ourselves ;o)
Answer by zod_13
My humble opinion on this question is that one is his/her own creator and controller. I honestly respect those religious people who truly believe, and live according to the standards given to them trough their holly books. Although I come from a very religious country I personally believe that the humans themselves as an entity possess all the necessary powers and capabilities to complete/create/bring to life, any single thing one can imagine. These powers are really within, all one has to do is to believe and want. The power of will combined with “healthy” belief, can build up and bring down even Gods. This is what brought humanity all the way. This is what keeps us still alive.
Answer by Elohiem’s_Son
Sure! It is certainly obvious that there is a creator or controller. His name has rendered from various descriptions through human revelation. Some call him Being-Aristotle, Essie(Being)-Swedenborg, The one, Alpha/Omega, Jehovah, El, El yon, Elohim or GOD. Everything that exist had to start from somewhere in theory and in universal law.
The logic’s for both philosophical and scientific endeavors both prove the ideology that creation apprehends a creator.
A human is limited in everything from knowledge even to movement therefore, it would be inevitable to suggest that we must worship Gods to better our cause for simple fact we would be senselessly loss in pointing out various Gods and worshiping them. But the idea for various Gods is nothing new. In historical context, the Greeks were know to worship various Gods.( I wondered where they got that idea?) But we can concluded error in that belief considering what happen to their civilization soon after…….Maybe there’s Jealousy upon the God of God(s)…
From a perspective granted from many great philosophers and prophets, there is one overarching creator who inevitably controls the seen and unseen. You serve The One in worship as most religions do, then you are supporting progress for all unseen and seen things.
For me, I found being a servant of God through Jesus the zenith point of understanding GOD, creation, purpose, and divinity of nature.
Answer by Tacit Rainbow
Creator does not mean controller. Only thing that suggests a Creator is the 4% chance of success for the big bang. I think I got that from Hawkings. Anyway, that the entire DNA code for every species, since the beginning of the planet, is only in the female, that could allow one to believe that the Creator is a female. I find that attractive. The male monotheists are so boring as to cause stupidity to break out everywhere. Witness the dumbness of Abraham, the drop dead idiocy of Jesus, the really really need a psychotherapist today of Islam. A female Deity is just a lot more friendly. Wears Red Sequins, a three inch heel, dyes every hair on her body, shaves the rest and is real happy to see you. Beats the heck outta the guy in a chair with a complaint list.
Answer by Jorge Luis ATD
creator, yes, controller, no.
Answer by Prince Prem
I believe in Creator and Curator theory- Creator -some unknown force often referred to as God. Curator us of ourselves . This is our payback to the creator that we curate ourselves and leave the curator for more heavenly things .
One of the answerer was wondering about our inability to control floods , earthquakes etc . Well, the human till present generation are not equipped for that . Who thought moon -walking , Space walking or even earth-is -round theory a few centuries ago . My be it takes a few more centuries -Humans will attain these abilities with This curatorship. There is nothing Godly about it – our fault is that any unexplainable phenomenon of our times are either awarded or blamed on God .
Coming to creation of this universe and creation issue , I believe that the entire universe is a freak juxtaposition of events , circumstances etc. as it is so deprogrammed .If there was indeed a creator the things would be in better shape for our selves and aliens if any out there. I believe and take comfort in thought that a time will come where secrets about creation/creator will be apparent . From that standard we may be still living in pre medieval ( raised to the power of infinity) times .
Time alone can answer all these questions .He will be the only known ‘ it ‘ surviving then also .
Answer by Garrett B
No, I certainly do not! I was sent to Grandpa’s church when i was a boy, but I had doubts about what he preached when I was age 7 or 8. I could read some at age 2, and before i started to school, I was reading science. I saw conflicts in it and the Bible. Science presents evidence, while religion does not. There are many contradictions in the Bible, and its science is infantile, as I could see even at age 7.
Answer by jayaraman
YES. I believe there is a creator and controller – They both are one and the same person – GOD.-
Answer by Dungheap
Read Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion. He systematically destroys all arguments postulating god or gods.
Answer by LindaLou
I believe that there is indeed a creator, but not a controller. Our creator gave us the free will to control our own experience. We are in essence, the creator of our experience. I do believe that there are certain natural laws that we have to work with, such as the law of attraction, but once we learn how to work with such natural laws it makes our creating much easier on the conscious level.
Answer by athu
“Yes”,I strictly prefer to believe that the whole universe has an creator and controller who doesn’t require a creator for himself…..
That ‘super power’ may be present eversince from the very beginning.All his creations are subjected to evolution for which he provides favourable/unfavourable conditions.Let’s take the eg. of a genetically modified bacteria in a culture medium in the laboratory.It’s a creation of the ‘super power-the scientist’.Here the scientist who created the bacteria also controls its phylogeny(evolutionary history).This’s what happens in the case of the organisms in the universe;where we call the ‘super power’ as GOD……….So it’s logical to belive that the universe has always been kept evolving.
If at all there is higher beings evolved…………..
Haven’t you noticed a food chain? eg. Grass—Deer—Tiger. In a food chain the stronger and superior ones eat the lower forms for food.Sowhat? Do the Deer worship the Lion as their gods to have a support for their progress? No…. The Nature has always kept a control over the number of individuals in a population by some means.I believe that it’s from the ‘super power’ that the Nature derives its ultimate power.
I have full faith in the “single creator theory”.But don’t know how and when that “single creator’ had created this universe.I don’t believe in the “multiple cause” or “unknown cause”theories.
It’s true that we’re not seeing the ‘super power’ over us.But it doesn’t mean that he never exists.We can’t perceive him bec’ it’s beyond our sixth sense.Organisms are perceiving the world in 3-Dimensions—-breadth,width & depth.This seemingly simple phenomeon is the product of a complicated set of interactions between our eyes and our brain that’s still not entirely understood.
If,once we’re able to perceive the world in more than 4-Dimensions,perhaps we may be able to perceive that ‘super power’.But I don’t think this will happen in the nearby million years…..!
[well....do you believe in what you have asked?]
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You really think the creators and controllers?
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