Issue created by œ∑®†¥¨øåßæ÷≥ß∂ƒ©∆µ∫√ç: Are these H1N1 vaccine conspiracy nuts really right?
I see a lot of them saying this about the vaccine
The H1N1 Swine Flu vaccines have been specifically prepared to cause wide-spread infertility and profound illness:
“The mist and the shot are a one-two sucker punch:
1. The “live virus” nasal vaccine starts a pandemic.
2. The forced squalene-adjuvanted vaccines end reproductive capacity, sicken, and may kill 90% of the population.”
This all looks like complete BS to me but what do you think?
Truly is only about Are these H1N1 vaccine conspiracy nuts really right? you may requirement to fix conditions theirselves. Hopefully this will assist you in several ways: and start making yourself far better. Thinking only about Are these H1N1 vaccine conspiracy nuts really right? might possibly be a remedy sometime soon.
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It’s complete BS.
The fact that we need mass-vaccination for a pandemic plays right into the paranoia of the anti-vaccination lobby and the conspiracy theorists (lot of overlap there).
If it’s not the “live virus” it’s the the adjuvant, or the preservative, or the microchips supposedly hidden in the needles. They’ll always dig up something to object to in a vaccine and its completely baseless. The most ridiculous criticism I heard was the fact that a vaccine contained a sodium and calcium chloride solution (much like what most of are bodies are made from).
This is a pretty good article if you’re a fan of the truth:
Be sure better?
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Ebola Virus Movie
Look through Ebola Virus Movie
The Ebola Virus is rampant in Africa. Many have died, many more to come. Watch this informative video if you are planning on traveling to Africa. It’s a dangerous place out there. Be careful.
This is actually a video for a BioMed project at school. My partner was Matt Buckner, and we had to make a video about a virus. Here you go.
Since flickr doesn’t know how to handle videos, this one is cut in half. To watch the full video, click here.
Swine flu vaccine conspiracy crazy Are you sure you’re okay?
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