Inquiry basically by fizzysmile: How can I delete a program from my computer?
I have McAfee Virus on my Dell laptop, it came preinstalled w/a free 90 subscription. Now that the subscription is cancelled/expired, I am unable to uninstall! It still runs on my desktop tray, not that its doing anything I can tell. I have to shut it down every time I log on. When I go to Add/Delete programs, it starts the uninstall progress, then an error comes up “There was an error in unstalling McAfee Virus” and I have no choice but to cancel. Any suggestions? I have another virus service installed now.
This can be facts about How can I delete a program from my computer? that you will require to resolve problems automatically. Confidently you will find in lots of ways; as well as your life significantly better. Needing facts about How can I delete a program from my computer? might be a remedy into the future.
Best solution:
Answer by Feeman
Contact mcafee support
Answer by shipman824
Reinstall it from the disc, then uninstall it from the disc.
Answer by crystaldragon49
go to your add and remove programs and remove it
Answer by tysavage2001
Go to your Start button in the left hand corner of your computer screen.. left click on it .. you will see a list .. chose : Run .. click on that and type in : msconfig and hit the return button. It will bring up a box with tabs on it .. go to the tab at the far most right .. the first tab on the right hand side .. click on that .. you will see a lot of small boxes with “check marks” in them .. look down the list very carefully .. everytime you see something that has McAfee in it .. click on that little box and uncheck it. That should stop it from starting up in your system tray. Good Luck !
Answer by Samrat B
Search for the program directory and delete it. then search for additional file in the start menu program and desktop, delete them all. Then remove the running program from running task tray. It will never bother you again.
Answer by Rhinobucket
I would open START and the Search look for anything MacAfee and delete it all from there.
Answer by Peace G
Since it refuses to uninstal simply save all ur documents in a file and back up that file in ur HARD DISK then reformat the laptop.
Answer by Viper
may be the anti virus pgm was not properly installed in the first place.
its a new laptop then…
contact dell service center…
u can also manually delete the program & then delete the entry from the registry….
but that would be a bit risky as this is an antivirus program.
so better contact service center.
Acknowledge far better?
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Virus_escape by Geso [animated GIFs]
Visual merely by Virus_escape by Geso [animated GIFs]
Animated GIF here:
"Language is a virus from outer space." William S. Burroughs
New collection of animated GIFs, extract from my current visual-set as VJ, inspired in the quote from Burroughts. This visual set has been showcased at CutOut Fest 2012 (Queretaro, Mexico) and Applied Sound Arts 2013 (Leipzig, Germany), so far. More shows to come!!!
How to delete the program from my computer?
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